Dental Implants

Missing teeth can cause feelings of self-consciousness and make simple pleasures like eating and speaking difficult. 

Learn how dental implants placed by the world-class team at Supreme Dental in Los Algodones, Mexico, can help you reclaim your smile.

We've trained internationally at schools in Argentina, Switzerland, and throughout the world so you can trust our impeccable standard of care.

What Are Dental Implants?


Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of durable titanium. Implants can support a variety of restorations to replace missing teeth. They also supply the jawbone with the stimulation it needs to remain healthy and prevent the bone deterioration that occurs after tooth loss. 

See the All-on-4 Difference

Traditionally, patients with bone loss would require preparatory bone grafting before they could receive dental implants. The All-on-4 or All-on-6 method allows your dentist to strategically place four to six implants to maximize your existing bone material without a graft. 

Reap the Benefits of Dental Implants

We use advanced materials and techniques, like guided surgery, to maximize implants' benefits. These include:

Restored Function

Implants paired with custom restorations can restore your oral function, allowing you to eat the foods you love and speak clearly and confidently.

Better Jawbone Health

Dental implants provide the jaw with the same stimulation the tooth roots once provided. Implants are the only restorative dentistry treatment that can prevent jawbone deterioration. 

Restored Appearance

Missing teeth can be embarrassing and impact your self-confidence. Implants and natural-looking restorations can give you a dazzling smile you can't help but share. 

Superior Stability

Traditional dentures rely on suction or messy denture adhesive to remain in place. Implant-supported dentures are secured to the implants, so there is no adhesive needed and no risk of slippage when you eat and speak.

Smiling mature woman

Dental Implant Candidacy

During your initial consultation at our Los Algodones practice, your dentist will help determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. You may be a candidate if you:

  • Are in Good Oral Health: Dental implants need a healthy foundation. You must be free of issues like tooth decay and gum disease before your implant placement. We offer a wide range of dental treatment options, like root canal therapy, to help you qualify.
  • Have Sufficient Jawbone Material: Implants require sufficient bone material to fuse to. In some cases, patients with bone loss may qualify for All-on-4 or All-on-6 implants. However, if you have extensive bone loss, we can perform a bone graft or sinus lift to improve your candidacy. 
  • Do Not Use Tobacco: Tobacco products are bad for your oral and overall health and increase your risk of implant failure. It is best to permanently stop all tobacco use before your implant procedure. This can also reduce your risk of future oral health concerns.
"Outstanding dental care, latest technology, friendly staff, very flexible schedule! I'll never go back to a US dentist. They are way better here and will fit you in with short notice." Brandon Jones

State-of-the-Art Scanning Technology

PIC Dental machine

We're proud to share that our Los Algodones dental clinic will soon feature the cutting-edge PIC Dental system, which captures 4,000 scans of your implants and oral structures in less than a minute to craft impressions with 99.9% accuracy.

Implant Treatment Timeline

Our dentists have been privately trained by Straumann, a leading manufacturer of dental implants.
Our dentists have been privately trained by Straumann, a leading manufacturer of dental implants.


You will meet with one of our dentists to determine if dental implants are right for you. If you need preparatory dental work like a root canal or bone graft, we can perform it before implant placement. 


Your dentist will begin your procedure by thoroughly numbing the area. We also offer IV and oral conscious sedation options to ensure you are completely comfortable.

Implant Placement

Small incisions are made in the gums, and the dental implants are inserted into the jaw. Depending on your needs, your dentist will place one to eight implants.

Abutment Placement

In some cases, your abutments and restorations can be placed on the same day. However, some patients will require a healing period. You will then return to our Los Algodones dental practice to have the abutments placed. They secure your restorations to the implant posts. 


The dental lab we work with is just a block away from our dental clinic, so restoration turnaround times are often 24 hours or less. Once your crown, bridge, or denture is ready, your dentist will secure it to the implants. All that is left to do is enjoy your new smile. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Implants

Q. How do I care for my implants and restorations?

A. It's easy! Simply brush and floss as you would with your natural teeth. Be sure to continue attending regular dental checkups to keep your restored smile healthy and beautiful for years to come. 

Q. How long do implants last?

A. Implants and abutments themselves are made of durable titanium and designed to last a lifetime. With proper care, your custom restorations can last for 15 years or more before they will need to be replaced. 

Q. Does implant placement hurt?

A. No. You will be thoroughly numbed before placement begins. You can also receive sedation to ensure you are completely comfortable. Some discomfort during the healing period is expected, but is usually easily managed with pain medications, ice, and a soft diet. 

Q. I've been told I don't qualify for implants. Can you still help?

A. If you have been told you do not qualify due to jawbone deterioration, our dentists can perform preparatory dental work such as bone grafting, a sinus lift, or extractions in order to help improve your candidacy. In some cases, you may not qualify for traditional implant placement, but you may qualify for All-on-4 or All-on-6. Our dentists can help determine the best course of treatment to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful, and functional smile once again. 

Q. Will anyone be able to tell I have dental implants?

A. No. The dental implants themselves are not visible, and your restoration is designed to look just like your natural teeth. No one will be able to tell that you have dental implants unless you tell them.

Hear Why Patients Choose Our Los Algodones Practice


Angela Wendel


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The dentist is top notch, spoke perfect English.  He is highly qualified.  Excellent service.  Highly recommend!

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Natalie's Vegas Transport


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The service is beyond expected! Everything was done to the perfection. Manny, Gaby in the office, and Lucille are so very helpful.  I can't believe the amount of pressure these guys go through to run things smoothly for the patients.

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Supreme Dental Los Algodones B.C.

Supreme Dental Clinic

Welcome to Supreme Dental Clinic. We are a team of dental experts providing world-class and affordable dental care in Los Algodones, Mexico. Our professional affiliations include:

  • American Dental Association
  • International Team for Implantology
  • Congress of the Mexican Association of Endodontics
  • International Congress of Dentistry

Request a consultation today by contacting us online or calling us at (928) 750-6869.

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